Worshipping idols hinduism holy books

This article was first published at patheos i was brought up in pennsylvania in an independent bible church. As explained, idol worshipping in its true meaning enhances one focus and concentration. The puranas do not enjoy the authority of a scripture in hinduism, but are considered a smriti. In hinduism there are many words to describe the nature of god, and we will refer to them as the need arises, but in this regard, the most. We invoke the presence of god from the higher, unseen worlds, into the image so that we can commune with him and receive his blessings. Hinduism is practised by more than 80% of indias population. Rishis are the seers of the mantras, not its authors. I came across a post here on shiachat that made me question a few points. Idols in the hindu temples are not toys or statues. The rigveda is a collection of hymns dedicated to 33 gods especially to indri and agni. I read bhagvad gita and its nowhere written in it anything about idol worshipping in hinduism.

Fire, wind, sun and soil are considered holy in hinduism. Idol worship and rituals are at the heart of hinduism and have great religious and philosophical significance. So, it is not surprising that they feel comfortable worshiping the divine in his material manifestation. Hindu is a cultural identity, not a religious identity. They may intend to pray for favors already received. I was buddhist for 25 years and experimented with hinduism for 4 years. Idol worship murthi puja or image worship in hinduism refers to the worship of the names and forms murti of god, any divinity or reverential person such as a guru or a saint.

However, the holy books in hinduism are the basis on which we have evolved our culture and way of living. Importance of worshipping a bilwa tree on a monday. Hinduism holy book important books and writings of hinduism sacred text of hinduism some important books and writings on hinduism hinduism does not possess a single holy book like bible in christianity and quran in islamic dharma. Hindus are not idol worshippers in the sense implied. The statues and photos are only models representing the concept, which is knowledge. Is there any holy book in hinduism where idol worship is. The four books of the vedasrig, yajur, sama and atharvainclude over 100,000 verses.

The vedas are scriptures that the hindu people use as a guide to daily and religious life. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. These two fundamental convictions in some ways make hinduism and islam polar opposites. In fact, it is impossible to conceive of god without some form of idol, for idol worship is the way of religion. This holy book is written in the sanskrit language. It is the sin nature of man that causes us to worship modern idols, all of which are, in reality, forms of self worship. At the front was a big central pulpit and behind the preacher were some pews for the choir. Idol worship is described in uddhava geeta by lord krishna to his cousin and disciple uddhava in bhagwata puran. Some of the holy books are the ramayan and the bhagvad gita. The book, which was first published in 1947, has now been rearranged in a more convenient form, with useful additions here and there, and is now released in its fifth edition. We do hope that all serious students of hindu religion and philosophy will find the book useful and. The most holy of the hindu books is written in sanskrit and is referred to as the vedas. The holy book in the hindu religion is known as the vedas. Sikhs follow the guru granth their holy book and do not pray to.

Image worship is also practiced in buddhism and jainism. The termvedic belivers conservatives if one properly follows the 4 system of that holy rule book then we can say him as a hindu or vedic beliver since you said but it is of relegious view. This misperception results from ignorance, not only among the foreigners, but even among indians about the underlying philosophy of god in indian tradition and the symbolic nature of idols that are hardly different from other symbols like a sacred site or holy book revered in other. This is why we find in our holy book, the koran, both scholastic. It is a very controversial thing about this verses along the religious websites, especially non hindu websites, they are claiming that idol worship is prohibited in hinduism. Sep 08, 2009 idols and signs are essential part of every religion hindus have murtis not idols of their gods christian worship cross, jesus and mother marys photos muslims bow before an uncut black stone sikhs worship a book as guru pagans worship symbols what is the philosophy behind worshiping photos, murtis and stones and books for worshipping god. Hindu religion is very practical and life oriented. In abrahamic religions, namely judaism, christianity and islam, idolatry connotes the worship of something or someone other than god as if it were god.

Idols or temples or churches or books are only the supports, the. Could never really understand the idol worship argument. A sense of bhakti or devotional love if generally invoked. Hinduism is the worlds third most popular religion, with around 750 million followers. Western society and abrahamic religions are often dazzled and confused by all the deity worship with in the hinduism. Hindus show respect by reading it, or even having it in their homes next to the gods. And when the demon had thrown him down in their midst, he came out of him, having done him no harm.

That is why i have raised this question so that other faith people whom we respect will understand the significance of idol worship. These hindu texts have been influential in the hindu culture, inspiring major national and regional annual festivals of hinduism. Even though the hindu religion is the oldest religion in the world. There are approximately 950 million adherents, most of them in india or nepal. Comparison between hinduism and sikhism free essay. Is it true, idol worshiping prohibited in hinduism. In fact puranas like shrimad bhagavatam itself mention the process of deity form worship of the god and what the idols can be made of. Idol worshipping, western terminologies and the modern view. What is the difference between the ideology of islam, and the ideology of hinduism. Hindus do not worship a stone or metal idol as god.

Jan 30, 2010 in hinduism idol worship is not prohibited. Any one of the house of israel who takes his idols into his heart and sets the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and yet comes to the prophet, i the lord will answer him as he comes with the multitude of his idols, that i may lay hold of the hearts of the house of. The christian missionaries disliked and were against their idolworshipping, as their beliefs from the old testament stated that thou shalt not worship false idols. There are also other holy books like puranas, ramayana, mahabharta etc. Why do people worship idols even though they are banned in their. The bhagavata purana has been among the most celebrated and popular text in the puranic genre. The concluding portions of the vedas are called upanisads. I am often told by religious people that celebrities are now being worshiped like gods. As far as i am concerened hinduism has not one book but many books and just by going through one line and spreading a rumor that idol worship is banned in hindusim doesnt suit.

The best advice for such hindus is to turn off the computer, close your eyes and chant hare rama. They may wish to have a closer experience of the god that they worship, or they may wish to wash away their sins by bathing in a holy river. All hindu deities are themselves symbols of the abstract absolute and point to a particular aspect of the brahman. At the front was a big central pulpit and behind the preacher. The deification of celebrities is also a form of idolatry. Idol worship is often considered as one of the major distinctions between western religions and hinduism. It is a means to focus ones religious pursuits and worship bhakti. But in hinduism, idols murti are worshipped as reminders of god. Once swami vivekananda visited king of alwar in present day rajasthan. Why are only catholics and hindus accused of worshipping.

Hindu texts are manuscripts and historical literature related to any of the diverse traditions within hinduism. How do hindus show respect for their holy book answers. Idols can be made of any material, with or without any shape. Although all the scriptural excerpts below are genuine and taken directly from hindu holy books, the truth can sometimes be too much to handle for some people. In hinduism one of the ultimate attainments is that the seeker transcends the need of all form and symbol.

The belief system in the hindi religion is outlined from these scriptures. There are a number of scriptures and holy books in hinduism. The practice of idol worship in hinduism and why hindus pray to idols and. Even though the latter convey more meaning than any socalled holy book.

The temptation to worship ourselves in various ways is a powerful temptation indeed. If you ever wanted to learn about the concepts and fundamentals of hinduism then this is the book for you. Lord krishna said believe in me, have faith in me, worship me and you can see me with divine eyes etc. From a small basil plant to the vermilion powder, these small sacred objects have a spiritual significance. When i have seen amongst them that are called idolaters, men, the like of whom in morality and spirituality and love i have never seen anywhere, i stop. Hindus do worship idols, but so do christians, jews and even muslims. Part 1 in indian society, idol worship is one of the major superstitions that preclude the development of a scientific bent of mind. They are rig veda, sama veda, yajur veda and atharva veda. No doubt it is prohibited in all holy books like vedas, upanishads, talmudh, bible and the quran. The religious scriptures are not followed word to word.

Islam vs hinduism hinduism facts facts about hindu religion. In this essay, we present ten valid reasons that justify the practice of idol worship in hinduism and why hindus pray to idols and images at homes and in temples. Worship in hinduism is an act of religious devotion usually directed to one or more hindu deities. Download the bible, the holy quran, the mahabharata and thousands of free pdf ebooks on buddhism, meditation etc. Extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone. Hinduism holy book important books and writings of hinduism. The following are the most sacred holy books in hinduism. The masses assume that by worshipping idols, their sins will be forgiven and they will be rewarded in this life as well as after.

Sadhguru looks at the worship of idols in the hindu way of life, and explains that they are not merely depictions of gods. In these monotheistic religions, idolatry has been considered as the worship of false gods and is forbidden by the values. Idolatry is the worship of a physical object as a god of any object, person. Other holy scriptures in hinduism are called the upanisads, the smrutis, the puranas, the ramayana and the mahabharata. Vivekananda answers christians about worshiping god idols in. Nobody has done any revision to the holy books of hindus. Idolatry is the worship of an idol or cult image, being a physical image, such as a statue, or a person in place of god. Our church building was a large auditorium designed for people to listen to biblebased sermons. Mar 02, 2011 hence, different names and idols were given by the people to comprehend the ultimate reality. I am hindu, i want those who are ignorant about hindus worshiping idols to know the answer. It was the way of life which later took the form of religion.

There are a number of reasons for hindus making a pilgrimage. Many idols personify the different aspects of nature. Nor is it based on the teachings of a founder or holy book. The idols of rama, sita, lakshmana, krishna, venkateshwara, ganesha, laxmi and many innumerable idols are worshipped all over the world by hindus. Therefore, one should not undermine the importance of idol worship in hinduism. Idols in the hindu way of life why are they worshipped. They only recognize idols made out of letters or alphabets or paper.

Worship takes a multitude of forms depending on community groups, geography and language. The king in an attempt to mock idol worship told swamiji, ive no faith in idol worship. Vivekananda answers christians about worshiping god idols. And the holy quran also states that allah is the beginning, and the end. In the hindu way of life, the only important thing in human life is his liberation. Therefore, hindus who may be weakhearted, pregnant or in otherwise illhealth should not proceed any further. An introduction the following are some references from hindu scriptures. A few texts are shared resources across these traditions and broadly considered as hindu scriptures. Or you dont worship anything and you can be a hindu. Information on hinduism for kids primary homework help. According to quran, mohammad paigambar was just a messenger and not the founder. Buddhist dhammapada, the sikh adi granth, the jewish torah, the christian bible and the muslim koranthe veda is the hindu holy book.

Sikhism prohibits idol worship, in accordance with mainstream khalsa norms and the teachings of the sikh gurus, a position that has been accepted as orthodox growing sikh popular discontent with gurdwara administration and practices during the 1800s, revivalist movements in the mid1800s who opposed idol worship like the nirankaris who strongly opposed the practice, though reverting to. Vivekanandas explanation on idol worship and many gods. Vedas and upanishadas are the most authoritative amongst all hindu scriptures and holy books. All religions have their symbols of holiness through which the sacred flows into the mundane. Central to hindu worship is the image or icon, and central to hindu belief is the concept of rebirth or reincarnation. The word hindu or hinduism was not found in any holy book of hinduism even the word was been newly introduced. V an idol or an image is a living embodiment arca of god. The hindu trinity is represented by three godheads.

Other holy scriptures in hinduism are called the upanisads, the smrutis, the puranas, the ramayana and the. Prophet mohammad paigambar is considered as the founder of islam. It is the sin nature of man that causes us to worship modern idols, all of which are, in reality, forms of selfworship. A direct translation from the sanskrit to english is problematic. My dear lord, o master of the devotees, please explain to me the prescribed method of worshiping you in your deity form. They dont recognize idols or symbols made out of colors or rock, dance or musical notes. The form carved in a stone or painted on a paper is also an imaginary form and not even a direct photo. A unique and allencompassing characteristic of hinduism is that one devotee may be worshipping ganesha while a friend worships siva or vishnu or kali, yet both honor the others choice and feel no sense of conflict. What idolatry means in hinduism hindu american foundation. Brahma the creator, vishnu the protector, and shiva the destroyer. Sso basically ive been doing some research on jinns and how they were creating, what they do etc. From vedas prohibition of idol worship in yajurveda there is no image of him. Apr 25, 2014 hinduism is the worlds oldest living religion and the third largest behind christianity and islam with more than 1 billion followers. Sep 11, 2008 i liked the key pointman is to become divine by realizing the divine.

Hindu scriptures and holy books hinduism facts hinduism facts. Hinduism today magazine, published quarterly from kauais hindu monastery. His book and the hindus icon are much alike in this way. I would ask our hindu brothers please refrain from such rumours better read all the vedas upanishads before believing in one sentence. Dec 14, 2007 as far as i am concerened hinduism has not one book but many books and just by going through one line and spreading a rumor that idol worship is banned in hindusim doesnt suit. Hindus not just worship idols of gods and goddesses, but also consider some objects as very sacred. Going on pilgrimage plays an important part in hinduism. There is a whole science of idol making where a certain form is created with a particular material.

Hinduism download books, sacred, spiritual texts and pdf e. And they were all amazed and said to one another, what is this word. But jesus rebuked him, saying, be silent and come out of him. There are two bodies of holy literature that form the primary texts of sanatana dharma. What is the thathwa behind hindus worshiping idols. The vedas a collection of hymns praising the vedic gods. According to their beliefs, idolatry is the wrong interpretation of hinduism.

Sikhism beliefs criticizes caste, worship of idols and traditions and believes in one imaginative source, ten gurus of history, faith of guru granth, commencement rituals built up by tenth guru gobind singh including five ks that means the articles of faith and teachings of ten gurus wherever hindus believe in caste, worship of idols and. Hindu worship idols so that they do not forget the real image of. The religion of hinduism originated in northern india, near the river indus, about 4000 years ago and is the worlds oldest existing religion. What is the reason of failure of idol worship outside india. I liked the key pointman is to become divine by realizing the divine. But as a matter of fact most of hindus or christians or which ever religion, are all doing the same thing ie limiting to the plane of idol worship for material gains, and are never rising above it that is my observation. The different gods and goddesses in the hindu mythology are derived from these books. Hinduism and judaism similarities pakistan defence. But for all other religions, it is a must and mandatory. The vedas are not books, they are revealed facts by rishis. All those who worship demi gods, all those do idol worship, they are materialistic people. Posts about hindus worshiping idols written by hinduism1om1. It is the qualities that are worshiped by the hindu. Some argue that hinduism is more a way of life than religion.

The only religion in the world that doesnt need to worship an idol is hinduism. Again, in the history of hinduism deities have been pictured, in the indus valley seals were found of the yogichorned god and statues of the mother goddess. When an idol is made by the hindu, he assigns certain qualities to that idol. In this way hinduism is the least idol oriented of all the. Lifex, vivekananda answers christians about worshiping god idols in hinduism. Idol worship is perhaps the greatest falsehood of hinduism. Some people concentrate on the idols, some on the light of candle and some on the rising sun. Be a proud and staunch hindu never be afraid if someone calls you a communal, whoever say s so, is the pseudosecular or a. It is a very controversial thing about this verses along the religious websites, especially nonhindu websites, they are claiming that idol worship is prohibited in. Thus, thus symbolically in idol worship one not only worships the concrete form of god murtam but also the subtle, invisible and formless self amurtam in the body. Apr 03, 20 the holy books in hinduism are there only for guidance. Hinduism does not have a single holy book, but many ancient texts and scriptures.

Dec 11, 2011 salam alekum, hope this is the right place to post this question as it involves hinduism. Hindu religion, philosophy and concepts shalu sharma on. Idol worship is neither mandatory nor prohibited in hinduism. The ancient buddhist, hindu and jaina texts discuss the nature of existence. May 07, 2007 if all the holy books go for revision its better. Therefore speak to them and say to them, thus says the lord god. Importance of idols in the hindu way of life sanskriti. Vivekananda answers christians about worshiping god idols in hinduism. We hindus invoke the presence of god, or the gods, from the higher, unseen worlds, into stone. Idolatry is the worship of an idol or cult image, being a physical image, such as a statue, or a.

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